Quality sound, the right frequencies and timing can change your state of consciousness. Listening to and being in the presence of good quality sound promotes engagement, resulting in a felt experience that is greater than just "hearing". It stimulates self-healing and provides the opportunity to feel inexplicable new states of being. This way, sound is the purest form of “vibrational therapy”.
Changing your state
of consciousness
alters what you feel
and how you feel
The Felt Experience of Sound
Our physical and energetic systems naturally relax into what feels good/right when it comes to sound, we tend to contract away from or reject that which is not “natural” from our body’s perspective. Good sound, like being out in nature, opens us up to healing yet we are surrounded nearly everywhere by bad sound, which is cheap and easily accessible.
Good sound benefits us at
physical, energetic &
spiritual levels
Sound Healing is Multi-dimensional
NeuroSound's specific frequencies and sonic scapes bypass the egoic thinking mind making it easier to feel joy in the real you. Inner freedom means no more mind spinning or getting hijacked by emotions. You can relax at core level as you process and release without revisiting all that has been causing stuckness and resistance at a subconscious level.
NeuroSound invites your
whole being to relax
into healing, so there
is nothing to fear
NeuroSound for Inner Freedom
The Power of Pure Sound
brings your whole being in harmony
spiritual - energetic - physical
Experts on Mind Body Connection
"Sound is able to influence the core balance and functioning of the brain and central nervous system as a whole. You're orchestrating all the powers the brain has for healing."
"Using sound , it is possible to make profound changes in brainwave patterns and states of consciousness, observable on brainwave mapping equipment, as well as positive changes in the body, measureable with blood tests, biofeedback etc... "
When emotions are repressed or denied, biochemical pathways
get blocked, stopping the flow
of vital feel-good unifying chemicals that run both our biology and our behavior.
Mind Body research shows genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.
You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there's no organ system in the body that's not affected by sound and music and vibration.
"Beyond and adjunct to conventional medicine, sound healing relaxes patients...they have lower stress hormones, stronger immune systems and better tools to cope with psychological and physical effects of disease and treatment"
Exposure to sound and music causes the brain to release neurotransmitters, like serotonin that send biological messages from our brain to our cells.
Music has been shown to help Parkinsons patients regain motor and speech skills; to help ease pain and calm difficult emotions; to speed up and improve recovery for post-surgery patients; to improve brain function, stabilize moods and enhance creativity
Optimal breath rate around 6 breaths per minute brings a shift in autonomic nervous system toward...increased levels of calmness and relaxation
Corroborated by Tibetan monks, yogis and buddhist meditators, HeartMath Institute research also finds regulating the breath cycle to 6 breaths per minute brings the heart and the brain into coherence at 0.1 Hz. This is nature's timing of mind-body connection for healing.
“We were hoping for some effect, but we didn’t expect it to be this dramatic. By every metric — speed of movement, step rate, stride length, step symmetry — this approach [using music] outperformed standard gait training, a form of physical therapy often used in stroke rehab. The cerebellum, a section toward the back of the organ that operates as an optimization system for the whole brain, is part of the large network activated in a precise, synchronized way by music.”
Dr. Michael Thaut, University of Toronto Rehabilitation Sciences Institute
Get a feel for
Listen to the sound of river flow with 1. the left ear frequency only (you can hear one pulse F1), 2. has the right ear frequency only (a different pulse F2). Track 3. has both left and right pulses that combines by difference (F2-F1) in your brain to create a dominant "felt" beat frequency that matches the earth resonance of 7.83 Hz. This Schumann frequency, on its own, is below our hearing threshold, but your two brain hemispheres create the illusion of this vibration (like a standing wave in your cranium) that your ears do not "hear". The first 3 tracks of this playlist require headphones. The last track is designed to provide a beneficial effect over speakers.
Learn More about Earth's Schumann Resonance Here
Review AES Presentation Slides here
NeuroSound for Inner Freedom
headphones recommended, low volume
Harmony, Flow & Balance
Co-dependency, enmeshment, inferiority, abdication of self-identity
inherent nature, self-validation, healthy interdependence
Congruence, Calm & Clarity
Inner chaos, turmoil, anxiety, self-doubt
inner truth, flexibility, realignment
Connection, Inspiration & Expression
repression, self-damage, fragmentation, disconnection
wholeness, inner independence, belonging
Empowerment, Freedom & Joy
Helplessness, overwhelm, compulsions, grief, guilt
emotional processing, forgiveness, self-honouring
Passion, Intention & Action
Passivity, avoidance, inertia, despair, withdrawal
expression, certainty, safety, adaptability
Determination, Compassion, Gentleness
aggression, rigidity, isolation, self-rejection/sabotage
self-care, self-love, kindness
The Ear and The Voice, A.A. Tomatis, 2005, Scarecrow Press
The Conscious Ear: My Life of Transformation Through Listening, A.A. Tomatis, M. Ferguson, 1992
Strong Experiences with Music, A, Gabrielsson, 2011, Oxford University Press
Brain and Music, Stefan Koelsch, Wiley-Blackwell Publisher 2012
Investigating Emotion With Music: An fMRI Study, Stefan Koelsch,* Thomas Fritz, et al, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany 2005
Relationships Between Musical Structure and Psychophysiological Measures of Emotion, P. Gomez, B. Danuser, 2005, American Psychological Association
Favouring emotional processing in improvisational music therapy through resonance frequency breathing, O.Brabant et al, 2017, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
Physiological measures regress onto acoustic and perceptual features of soundscapes. P. Lindborg, G. Luck, O. Brabant, 2013, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Music Emotion (ICME3)
Musical Timbre Perception, Stephen McAdam, Psychology of Music, McGill University, Montreal, Dec 2013
Frequencies of Inaudible High-Frequency Sounds Differentially Affect Brain Activity: Positive and Negative Hypersonic Effects, A. Fukushima et al, PLOS one April 2014
From Sound to Significance: Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Emotional Reactions to Music, Goncalo Barradas, Durham University, American Journal of Psychology, Aug 2015
The Effects of MP3 Compression on Emotional Characteristics, Ronald Mo et al, Proceedings Intl Computer Music, Hong Kong University Science and Technology, 2016
Brain processing of consonance/dissonance in musicians and controls: A hemispheric asymmetry revisited, A. Proverbio et al, 2016, European Journal of Neuroscience
Music and Noise: Same or Different? What Our Body Tells Us, Mark Reybrouck et al, Frontiers in Psychology, Jun 2019