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spiritual alchemy

You are a multi-dimensional being.


The proprietary technology of NeuroSound combined with Soul Tree Akashic Healing safely gently transmutes and releases trapped vital force energy.


This allows your body,

mind, and spirit to heal

and function as they are designed to...


In Harmony 

Healing with sound has been part of humanity’s repertoire for well-being and spiritual development since ancient times. The ancient Vedic Rishis were able to access Akasha through the change of state of consciousness they achieved with sound, in particular, chanting certain frequencies and mantras. NeuroSound (TM) utilizes all the established wisdom of the ancients up to cutting edge modern neuroscience research of how our brains (and bodies) respond to sound.

It has been scientifically proven that cell receptor sites retain the trapped vital force energy of memories and emotions that block normal function. This energy is transferred to new cells as they are created, thus keeping it stuck there until it is released by an external source of healing. Spiritual and energetic work often aren’t enough.  Based on mind-body healing research by such experts as Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Candice Pert, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, and Dr. Bruce Lipton, this comprehensive program works to heal and restore original healthy functioning to mind, body, and spirit starting from the brain all the way down to the cellular level. 

WHY it 


Atcellular level 

Beyond the

Mind Barrier

what    Experts  Know

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

Center for Acoustic Research

Using sound in these ways, it is possible to make profound changes in brainwave patterns and states of consciousness, observable on brainwave mapping equipment, as well as positive changes in the body, measureable with blood tests, biofeedback etc... We are also able to influence the core balance and functioning of the brain and central nervous system as a whole. You're orchestrating all the powers the brain has for healing. As things begin to clear up, the patient gets back in touch with who he/she really is.

Dr. Candace Pert

The Molecules of Emotion

My research has shown that when emotions are expressed, which is to say that the biochemicals that are the substrate of emotion are flowing freely, all systems are united and made whole. When emotions are repressed or denied, pathways get blocked, stopping the flow of vital feel-good unifying chemicals that run both our biology and our behavior.

Dr. Bruce Lipton

The Biology of Belief

Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds and thus our lives... I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial "victim" to my new position as "co-creator" of my destiny.

Relaxation NeuroSound
00:00 / 10:01
00:00 / 10:05
00:00 / 10:06

Listen to all 3 in order at low volume with earbuds 

brings about lasting change. It heals  from the inside out,

freeing up trapped vital life force, dissolving resistance to let you rise above self-imposed limitations.

Then you can find and feel the passion that resides in your soul.

Know Yourself...

  Live your Inspiration


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THE CHANGESpeople notice

"I felt like I was meditating more deeply than every before...I think I went somewhere, like I had an out of body experience that was very relaxing. My resistance to change has vanished"

"I felt like I was meditating more deeply than every before...I think I went somewhere, like I had an out of body experience that was very relaxing. My resistance to change has vanished"


"I felt like I was meditating more deeply than ever before...I think I went somewhere, like I had an out of body experience that was very relaxing. My resistance to change has vanished." S.G


"I never slept so well in my life! Now I sleep throughout the night without waking up and I feel more energized and alert during the day. No more sleep paralysis fear and I have clarity."  K.E.


"Beautiful sounds! Feel much better and more integrated. Stepped out of a situation that resembled the negative pattern found in my Akashic healing. Only 17 days since the reading and starting NeuroSound." P.H.

Move Beyond the Mind Barrier



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Watch the show all about YOU &

your extraordinary experiences

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© Quintessence Studio 2024

Anjali is a tremendously gifted practitioner who has genuine connection to the higher wisdom of Source. I am an energy healer and very discerning about who I work with. Anjali has been a central part of my healing team as I navigate late stage lung cancer. Her Akashic treatments have yielded remarkable results, such as turning around cancer progression, increasing breathing capacity and lifting karmic patterning. Her vocal training has been essential. The songs she writes come from her heart…they give me chills and move me to tears. Her music is spiritually transportive, just being in presence of the vibration and energy has healing powers. She is a gift and a treasure. I can't recommend her services enough. - Marlene Z

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