Quintessence Studio
Invest In You

Past Life

Get a personally autographed copy of A.B. Arnold's novel that has positively impacted readers all around the world from all walks of life from age 11 to 85. Before the genre of Fiction Self-Help existed, this novel filled a need for readers seeking to rise out of their creative rut and break free from self-imposed limitations - in their own unique way.
Shipping not included. $25.00

Soul Tree Akashic Healing | Readings | NeuroSound | Creative Explorations
$107 ~ 30 min reading
Mini Akashic Reading
Inner Authority | Inner Balance
Inner Clarity | Inner Direction
determine what's blocking you
receive energetic healing
gain next step insight
act on path & purpose

Inner ABCD Reading
$107 per 30 min
Book a session so you can get Access to the Answers
Already Within You
Bring your toughest questions
Communicate with your soul directly to Q&A and
receive wisdom from your Higher Being

Higher View Wisdom Reading
Intro Soul Tree Akashic Reading reveals who you truly are beneath all the veils of self-image perception. Bypass your thinking mind and use your inherent gifts and traits hiding beneath the obstacles, resistance and confusion you can't get past

Soul Nature Reading
This is the Akashic reading you've heard about and always wanted - but this one comes with Akashic Healing. Everything bugging you today will suddenly make sense. Understand your main Akashic lesson without regression trauma, heal naturally and gently as the grip of the past releases. Focus your shift to your path and purpose.

Past Life & Purpose Reading
This 50 min Akashic discovery session assists you in tackling a particularly challenging present life situation and helps answer, "what is my next best step" toward your intended outcome. Whether it is about career, relationship, or dealing with grief, or any other troubling circumstance, the answers within you keep you on your highest best path.

Path and Purpose Session
This full reading identifies root causes of soul burdens and initiates the clearing process from spiritual to energetic and physical levels. Healing down to cellular level brings lasting change to your life and world. Transmute trapped vital force to inner freedom for outer expression. Know yourself at such a new deep level that finally you can live your inspiration. Includes report, 21 day transmutation follow-up.

Soul Tree Full Akashic Healing
$127 per program
Reinforce and speed up Soul Tree Akashic Healing for lasting change at physical level that only comes from alchemical transmutation. Based on neuroscience and psychoacoustic research, follow-ups on cumulative benefits over time cover the duration of your NeuroSound program. Available only at Quintessence Studio.

NeruoSound Add-on
$147 per program
Experience your soul's outer expression as spirit is designed to express through you...with color, sound, movement and more. Feel Heal and Reveal your own inner truth with neuroscience based processes that help you reclaim your inner authority. Have fun exploring as a standalone program or while reinforcing Akashic Healing at cellular level.

Creative Exploration
Mystery Mastery School | Courses | Programs | Training | Guidance
12 modules teaching the Vedic Lineage protocol-based foundations of Akashic Reading and Clearing with practical applications. Based on 12 dimensional model of New Akashic Paradigm, spiritual and energetic elements and influences are correlated to the client's main Akashic lesson as it presents today. Supervised Practicum toward Level 1 Certification, sample client readings and best practices for client communication. 14 weeks

Soul Tree Akashic Training 1
Set of four 45 min one-on-one local or long-distance guidance sessions that work in your Akashic record to aid in your intuitive development. Use over a 3 month period. These sessions are pragmatic for actionable wisdom as you Know Yourself. The objective is for you to Live Your Inspiration, whether that means life enhancements using your intuitive gifts, unlock creativity to meet your life intention, or develop a new vocation you create with your gifts.

Path and Purpose Guidance
This 4 module course teaches how to use a pendulum to access the answers already within you. Learn how to establish clear communication with a confident connection without interference. Raise your own vibration as you explore toward freedom, strength and presence, get to know your support systems in all dimensions, identify limiting beliefs, initiate change and learn the basics of doing energy work on yourself. Includes required book A Most Curious Device. 5 weeks

Access Answers Within Course
This 5 module course focuses on the fact that YOU MATTER, and so do the changes you desire. Start by securing your highest vision intention for life enhancement according to your soul's path andpurpose. Course includes Akashic reading targeted to help you determine what your innermost life intention is. Clarify your true priorities and develop action plans in alignment with your life intention - you are here for a unique reason. Work at your own pace and make life enhancements in real time. 8 weeks

Intention & Alignment Course
5 module training of the enlightened pathways for life enhancement that lead to inner independence and personal mastery: Inner Authority, Balance, Clarity and Direction. Includes Inner ABCD Akashic reading, NeuroSound Alchemy and four 20 min Guidance Sessions based on action modules. 5 weeks

Mystery to Mastery Course
12 modules covering advanced protocol-based Akashic reading and clearing, including spiritual alchemy of Soul Tree Akashic Healing. Level 2 allows for deeper exploration of concepts of the 12 Dimensional Model and concentrates on a wider scope of karmic conditions and spiritual relationships that affect a client's present life experience. Includes best business practices, best business training, Practice Client Internship toward Level 2 Certification 14 weeks.